Friday, 10 March 2017

Nights out- Are they worth it?

After recently turning 18 (your girl is officially an adult) I find myself a little far behind everyone in everything that I do! I have so much important stuff coming up this year.. leaving school, taking my a levels... starting uni (hopefully) and it all becomes a little daunting- for everyone I guess, but I find that trying to keep up with friends or even my mindset (my brain thinks my body is fitter than she is) is one of the day to day thingsi struggle with most!

Now I'm not going to lie to you and say "my life is so sad I never go out or do anything fun"because trust me I get out and about!! But what most people don't see is my recovery... I'm not talking about your banging headache hangover and sore feet from the 6inch heels mum told you not to wear. No I'm talking about the punishment that endo, IBS, migraines and numerous other illnesses throws at you after a night out (or even a night in-sometimes she's a bitch for no reason).

So I find myself being punished for enjoying myself... and to me- it's not fair! I'm an 18 year old girl who deserves to go out and stay out till 5am and drink a little too much without becoming bed bound the next day!

So here's a little shoutout to all you chronic illness sufferers who sticks it out and says "fuck it" once in a while and sacrifices a good few days of pain because going out and getting drunk and dancing all night was WORTH IT!

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